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Such Great teacher



Finalmente! :D Esta es mi entrada para el concurso de :iconjameson9101322: que se trataba de pintar algunos de sus dibujos, si gustan véan el original aquí. [link] y el concurso [link]
Oh cielos al fin lo hice! :excited:….creí que nunca lo terminaría!!! :XD: El tiempo me pareció eterno mientras pintaba esto, en parte porque tuve pintarlo por ratos pues tenía, mucha tarea en la escuela, luego me enfermé y tome un tratamiento que no me funcionó, además de que tuve que estudiar para mis exámenes; pero también fue en parte por la técnica de pintura que use: Al principio cuando decidi entrar al concurso quería terminar de pintar rápido porque otros de los personajes me esperaban, y pensé en probar dos tutoriales para pintura y sombras que encontré por ahi….pero no es que, siempre que intento pintar como alguien mas es un lio garrafal! :XD:
No se como la gente que saca sus videos en youtube pinta y sombrea con unos cuantos clics! :XD: Yo tampoco se como se hace eso de “entintar los dibujos” o se quitarles el blanco y solo dejarles el contorno que generalmente es negro, es que no he aprendido a usar el seleccionador. Y en realidad no me ha interesado practicar esta técnica….Es decir, si he tenido curiosidad, pero yo me siento más como en casa pintando con la unica técnica de pintura que se; pintando brochazo por brochazo con el mouse, como en una pintura normal! Porque esa era la técnica que use con mi Corel Photo Paint (con el que pinte varios años, fue difícil cambiarlo por el Photoshop!) asi que solo hice una nueva capa y pinte encima del sketch, la hoja del bosquejo quedo intacta!...Pero las capas!! Oh Antes esas condenadas capas me mataban!!!! :XD: En serio!! pues cuando empezé a usar el photoshop no sabia usarlas, y cuando aprendi a usarlas siempre me equivocaba y pintaba en una el color que debía ir en otra! Y entonces tenia que borrarlo todo y volver a pintar de nuevo!! Y era un lio garrafal que me daban ganas de jalarme de los pelos!!!…Pero ah, ahora ya no tanto, porque las escondo, pero AUN ASI! Para este dibujo empezó con 3 capas y termine con 8! :lol: porque me equivocaba de capa y no quería borrar mi dibujo. Pero me gusta que mis dibujos tengan capas, porque ahora que ya las se usar me ayudan mucho a lograr efectos muy padres!:D…Haha La verdad no se porque les estoy diciendo todo esto :lol: es solo que a veces me gusta platicar como pinto, por si a alguien le sirve. Alguna gente no lo hace porque temen que los demás copien su estilo, pero yo sé cada quien tiene un estilo, aunque usen la misma técnica de pintura, además, aunque en ese momento no lo era, ahora es muy gracioso lo de las capas! :lol:
Bueno, algunos de ustedes saben que no suelo pintar los dibujos de otras personas, no me gusta, en parte porque soy un poco floja pa’ pintar les diré, incluso a veces ni siquiera pinto mis propios dibujos! :lol: y prefiero dibujar a lápiz porque así me evito el pensar de que color voy a pintar esto, y de que color voy a pintar lo otro (déjenme decirles que no era así antes pero creo que me volví aficionada al lápiz cuando entre a la secu y ya no me daba tiempo para usar colores) y en parte porque me da la sensación de que no voy a pintar los dibujos de alguien más como lo esperan, como a ellos les gustaría que fueran…y a veces siento que les falta algo y o algo no esta bien dibujado, y que si se lo arreglo un poco no le va a gustar al que hizo el dibujo…Y es que yo hago eso con mis dibujos porque me gusta que queden bien, pero no se si la gente lo aceptará en los suyos...Además, tiendo a no dar todo mi potencial y habilidades en los dibujos que no son mios, por lo mismo…no se, es difícil explicarlo, pero siempre sentí raro pintar algo no era mio…por eso de pequeña nunca me gustaron los libros de colorear! :XD: Asi que probablemente se estarán preguntando porque entré a un concurso para pintar. Bueno, hay 3 razones, y una de ellas es porque me pareció genial! :D la otra es porque…bueno de seguro no me van a creer pero…es porque hay cierta similitud en nuestro arte, el de ella se parece un poco al mio, lo cual es asombroso! :wow: Fue asombroso porque sentí que estaba pintando un bosquejo mio, asi que no tuve que preocuparme porque saliera mal o porque no le gustara, porque tenemos gustos similares…Oh cielos!...De hecho esta es la primera vez que pinto algo hecho por otra persona!! :wow: Ah! Y la otra razón es porque ella me envió un mensaje cuando yo le dije que si participaría, y me dijo que he daba mucha alegría ver sus dibujos pintados, y a quien no! A mi también me gustaría que alguien pintara mis dibujos, me hace mucha ilusión, me imagino que ha de ser muy gratificante y emocionante ver que la gente quiera pintar tus dibujos! Por eso quise darle esa alegría de ver este sketch pintado! ^^ como yo lo se hacer.
Y si se lo preguntaban, por supuesto que me divertí mucho con este (si no fuera divertido no lo hiciera) y veo que eso se refleja en el dibujo. en especial disfrute mucho haciendo las luces, y la playera, y eso es lo que me gustó mas! Asi que estoy bastante complacido con el resultado, creo que quedo fenomenal! :D modestia aparte, y pase un buen momento pintandolo! Aun asi…no se si eso es lo que pensaba jame cuando hizo este sketch…Creo que que me excedí un poco con las luces…Pero es que CIELOS! Era TAN DIVERTIDO dibujarlas!! :excited:…que simplemente no podía parar!! :XD:…Oh dios! no podía parar!!! :rofl: Y es que tengo debilidad por hacer luces, creo que le dan mucha perspectiva y movilidad a los dibujos, son geniales para hacer el “efecto 3D”, el de dimensión!! :D ademas casi siempre me pasa eso! :lol: Cuando estoy por finalizar un dibujo me dijo “falta algo falta algo!” y entonces sigo pintando un poco por aquí y allá, y luego por eso no termino! :lol: O a veces hecho a perder mi dibujo y tengo que empezar de nuevo! :XD: pero por eso ahora cuando dibujo siempre tengo una pauta “un punto sin retorno” es un tiempo en le que termino un dibujo y digo “ falta algo” (porque siempre acabo diciendo “le falta algo”) le añado un detalle y luego lo dejo así, porque si no lo dejo así nomas no lo termino! :lol:
El fondo lo saque por casualidad probando con algunos pinceles, generalmente no hago fondos porque me da flojera, pero este era algo especial. Primero le quise hacer un fondo rojo para que resaltara mas, pero luego me vino a la mente algo mejor, algo como esto, y como sabia que pinceles tenia lo hice. Cuando hice este dibujo tuve que ver al sasha real, pero también vi algunos fanarts y note que a menudo lo dibujaban con un look raro, como un poco dark como un villano, y de hecho vi que alguien dijo eso, asi que pensé en darle un look cool y tranquilo, pero a la vez misterioso y reservado como es el. Y lo de los lentes fue porque ustedes saben, la esencia de mis dibujos esta en los ojos, además nadie le había dibujado los ojos a sasha antes, asi que pensé que seria muy original que los hiciera. Creo que siempre pensé que sasha tenia los lentes de ese color porque me recordaba a los de Phong, y además cuando quise hacérselos negros se perdía el contorno.
Bueno, a todo esto quien ese este chico?..Bueno, es Sasha Nein de Psychonauts, un juego que no he jugado, del cual realmente nunca había oído hasta el dia en que la conoci a ella. Y preguntaran porqué lo elegí, bueno porque ya había puesto el ojo en el, desde que empezé a ver los dibujos de ella me simpatizo el personaje; pero en especial por el comentario que hizo en donde esta el sketch original de este, de que era un buen maestro, cualidad que comparte con multo! :D Busque y entontre este video [link] vi que es un personaje cool y tiene una voz bastante buena, pero me gusto sobretodo por lo de que es un buen maestro! :D :D :D Espero un dia poder jugar el juego…
Ah por cierto…Ustedes han visto G-Force?..Veanla, les gustara Speckles! :D Ya me canse de escribir =P

Finally! : D Here's my entry for my friend :iconjameson9101322: coloring contest, you can see the contest and rules here [link]
And the lineart here [link]
Oh God finally did it! : excited:....I thought I would never finish it!!! :XD: The time seemed eternal when I was painting this, in part because I had to paint it little by little, too much homework and exams in college! also I got sick and the doctor gave me a treatment that did not work! ; but it think was also in part by the painting technique I used. At first when I decided to enter the contest wanted to finish painting quickly because some other character sketches were waiting for me, and I thought to try a few tutorials of shading I found.... but I didn't it, cos when I've tried to paint with a tutorial is a mess! :XD: I just don't know how people who put videos on youtube (about how to paint) can shade and paint with a few clicks! :shrug: Also, I do not know anything about "inking drawings" or remove the white and just leave the outline that is generally black (I have not learned to use the selection tool very well =P) and I'm not really interesting to practice these techniques....I mean, I do wonder, and I know I'm wasting the software a bit for not knowing that, I'm but I feel more like at home with the painting technique I've always used; to paint stroke by stroke with the mouse, as in a real painting! I used it since my first pic with MS paint, and I used it with Corel Photo Paint (I painted with it several years, it was difficult to change it for Photoshop! ) So I just made a new layer and painted over the sketch, and at the end the sketch was intact!...Oh and the layers! Oh some time ago those darn layers really killed me!!! :XD: When I started using Photoshop I didn’t know how to use them, and later when I learned to use layers, I used to use them wrong and I painted in a layer the color that it should go in another, and then when I realized it I had to erase everything and repaint it all again!! And believe me, it was a monumental mess that made me want to pull my hair! :XD:...But ah, now it almost doesn't happen, because now I hide them! I hide the layers when I'm not using them. For this drawing I started with 3 layers and finish with 8! : lol: because I used the wrong layer and didn't wanted to delete what I already had painted. But still, I love to use layers in my drawings, because now that I know how to use them, it’s very helpful to achieve very great effects! :D…Ha! I don't know why I'm telling you all this: lol: it's just that sometimes I feel like to talk about the way I paint, in case it helps to someone. Some people don't do that because they fear that others can copy their style, but I know everyone has an own style, even if they use the same technique of painting. Also, although at that time was not, now it’s funny what happened with the layers! :lol:
Well, some of you know I don't tent to paint pics from other people, partly because I'm a little lazy to paint, sometimes I even don't paint my own pics! :lol: and I much prefer to draw by pencil because like that I avoid thinking "what color this thing will be this” (let me tell you it was not like that before but I think I became fond of pencil when I was in junior High and I started to work, cos I no longer had many time to use colors) and partly because I've always had the feeling I will not paint someone else's drawings as they expect, as they would like to see them. I feel if something it's missing or isn't well drawn in and I take the freedom to fix some details in drawings, people wouldn't like it. I in my drawings do it, fix the little things of my sketches while painting, and if someone else's drawing is not so well I would have to fix it, but I don't know if I can do that in people drawings...Also I tend to not give all my potential and skills in them when I know they aren't mine...It's quite difficult to explain, but I always felt uncomfortable painting a pic that wasn't drawn by me...that's why I never liked coloring books when I was a kid! :XD:
So, probably you’re wondering why I entered in a coloring contest! Well, there are 3 reasons, and one of them is because the idea of the contest was terrific! :D the other is because…well, I do know you aren’t going to believe me’s because I feel a strong connection to the style of her art. I mean, I loved her art since I met her, but over time I've noticed that when I see her art, it feels like it was something I would have done, but better, and that’s so awesome! :excited. :wow: I’m fond of her way to draw….Oh God!!..Indeed, this is the first time I actually paint something drawn by another person!!! :wow: :omg: And it was really amazing and enjoyable to paint this pic, because it had nothing to fix and I really felt like I was painting one of my sketches! :excited: I felt this sketch like a part of me...So I didn't had to worry, cos I had the assurance and tranquility she would like the way I could paint this, since she's like me, and his art feels like mine. It was kinda like a window into the future (a non so distant future I hope...I tried to draw this buddy once, but the drawing didn't came out very well ) but still, if she don't like it, she can paint her sketch herself as she like, that's the magic of digital pics! :D
Oh and the third reason it's the best! It's because, she told me she was very happy to see everyone painting her drawings! (It was so sweet her comment, she said the prize was actually her seeing everyone color her pictures <3 ) and she was so right! :nod: I should have said the same, totally! I also would love that someone paint my pictures, I would be really glad if someone could find my pics as good as to want to paint them , I’m it could be be very gratifying and exciting to see everyone painting your drawings. So I wanted to give her all the joy and excitement of seeing this sketch painted! ^ ^ she said my drawings would be amazing hehee.. I hope not to disappoint her…I tried my best!! :D and sincerely hope you like! :hug: And you know my prize is actually, to see you happy for seeing everyone painting your work!!! ^ ^ that’s the only thing I need, pal!
I know I haven’t said it before, but I just love a lot the fact that despite being someone with a popular gallery and lots of fans, Jame is always the modest, polite and kind-hearted girl who always appreciate what people say and do for her! ^^ and popularity doesn’t change her! she so deserves the glee of seeing his pics painted.
And if you're wondering, of course I had A LOT of fun with this, lots and lots, and I think that's why this came out well. I specially enjoyed doing all those lights, the hair, the sunglasses, and the shirt, that's what I loved more to do! So I'm quite pleased with the outcome, I think it's fantastic! :D modesty aside :giggle:...I just loved this cos I had a really great time painting it!... athought I think I overdid it a bit with the lights...But HOLY HEAVEN! I was having so much fun drawing lights! much that I just couldn't stop! : XD: ... Oh God! I couldn't stop! :rofl: I have a soft spot for doing lights, I think lights give a lot of perspective and movement to a pic! They're so great to make the "3D effect" to a pic! :D Also that almost always happens when I paint! : lol: When I'm nearly to finish a digital drawing I say "something is missing! something is missing!!" and I keep on painting a little here and there, that's also why often to paint take a pretty good time! :lol: Or sometimes I make a mess with my drawing for painting it excessively and I have to start again! :XD: But now when I draw I usually have a guide pattern, a "point of no return", is the time when I almost finish a drawing and say "something is missing"(because I always end up saying that) and I add some detail but just once, otherwise I never finish it! :lol:
The background, I made it by trying many brushes until I found a design I like, I usually hate to make backgrounds :XD: but this was something special. First I wanted to do a red background to highlight sasha coat more, but then came to my mind something, and as I know my brushes and I could make this like I imagined it.I think the background was very suitable for the style of the game! :D
Cos yeah to make this I took as reference pics from the game and the real Sasha, but I also saw some fanarts and I noticed people drew him very often drew with a odd look, more like as a villain than as a hero, and in fact I read someone saying that in a pic here. So I thought I'd give a cool and calm look, yet mysterious and reserved as he is. And the glasses are like this because you know the essence, the impact of my drawings is in the eyes (but I hope to try another form to draw with Jame advices, so I wouldn't worry when the eyes aren't seen) and no one had drawn Sasha's eyes before, so I thought it would be very original to make them. I think I always thought about sasha's glasses with that color because it reminded me of Phong ones, and also when I tried to draw the glasses black, the black outline was lost.
Well, this is Sasha Nein from Psychonauts, a game that I have not played, which I had never really heard until the day I met her. And if you wonder why I chose him, well because I had put eye on this sketch since a pretty good time; since I saw it for the first time! :D Since I started to see Sasha fanart from her, I liked the character, but I totally loved him thanks to the really beautiful comment my pal made there (up there, where is the original sketch of this pic) about she loves him cos he's a great teacher!! :excited: And when I read that I wanted to find something about him and I realized indeed, he's a SO great teacher!! :excited: :wow: a quality he shares with Multo! :D So glad for that :boogie:
You just HAVE to see her comment where she explains why he's a great teacher! :excited: It's wonderful! IT'S EPIC!! I was so excited when I read what she wrote that I wanted to ask her if I could paint the sketch! :giggle: Man I love the sketch because made me to know Sasha, but also beacuse it's wonderful!! It's one of the best sasha pics I've seen, I particulary love the hair, so I paint it was a must! :XD:
Well, that day I found 2 little clips, but this is the best [link] and when I saw it I was so amazed and glad to know he's such awesome teacher, and that he's really a cool character with a fantastic voice! But I especially love him for the same reason my friend does, because he's such a teacher! :D Also, I just loved she said about he's a superstar secret agent with books and comics written about him, but he doesn't know about them at all! :wow: I like characters that are famous but aren't aware of that, and/or choose to live as simple and modest beings. I hope one day to play the game ...I just have to play it!! After seeing some clips of it, specially sasha's one, I wanted to play it so bad!! :excited: :eager: It's a shame there's no more clips of Sasha over there...I would like to know him more…Well, I no longer have the time to do a good pic like this for myself, I can’t paint my own drawings :lol: but this is special! cos I want to dedicate it with love and dedication, to my dear friend, as a modest tribute to Sasha and Her. Jame, I hope you like! :huggle:
Oh, almost forget it…some of you have watched Disney’s G-Force…Go see it! You will love Speckles! :D….I’m very tired, bye..
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BlackMage339's avatar
Gorgeous lighting effects! I love that jumper, it has so much texture! And that hair, to use a phrase of my English teacher, makes me purr XD That is a good thing, don't worry!